Frequently Asked Questions



Brand For Speakers University is not an accredited educational institution. The name Brand For Speakers University is simply a name we chose to name our website. You will not earn a degree from any course within our membership site.

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes. Simply send us an email at [email protected] or message us on our live chat (ensure you leave your contact details!)

Can I have a refund?

We don’t offer refunds, however you can cancel anytime.

Do I need a credit card to register?

You can register with your name, email and phone number and you’ll need to add your card details to activate your account.

Do I need a credit card to register?

You can register with your name, email and phone number and you’ll need to add your card details to activate your account.

Are there any credit card or paypal fees?

We don’t charge any fees, though the payment processors (Paypal or Stripe) do charge standard transaction fees of 2.9% plus 0.20£; other fees may apply depending on your type of card and location.

Can I see a demo?

Yes, we are preparing this and it will be available soon inside the university.

Is this platform safe for online transactions?

Yes, your data and your customers’ data is encrypted.

I have other questions.

Contact us at [email protected]